Birmingham Parks Rx
Based in: Birmingham, Alabama
Participating Agencies: UAB Minority Health & Health Disparities Research Center, REV Birmingham’s Urban Food Project, United Way of Central Alabama – Safe Routes to School, Freshwater Land Trust, Jefferson County Department of Health, Birmingham YMCA, Birmingham Park and Recreation Board
Unique Features: Park map database and downloadable prescriptions in English and Spanish
Website: www.reachforbetterhealth.com/article/5-about-us
Contact: REACH@uabmc.edu
Birmingham’s Parks RX program, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aims to connect patients to over 100 parks in the city and surrounding communities. Parks RX has an interactive map that allows users to search for local parks and greenspaces by zip code. The map populates with pinpoints for area parks and includes links to park details, such as amenities, safety, trail lengths, hours of operation, and much more.