was created to promote lessons learned and promising practices within the growing movement of prescribing parks to improve human health.

You can use the following are resources to help you build your own Park Prescription program. If your agency is interested in having your resource featured, please tell us more via this Google Form.

Tools & Toolkits
  • Park Prescription Program Toolkit: This interactive toolkit provides step-by-step guidance to agencies interested in starting their own programs in a variety of settings. (Institute at the Golden Gate)
  • Park Rx America Resources: This site has a variety of park prescription resources for both health and park professionals. (ParkRx America)
  • Health Care Provider Perspectives: This tool offers a doctor's perspective on how Park Prescription programs can serve as health interventions. (Dr. Robert Zarr)
  • PLUM LANDING: Explore Outdoors Toolkit: This toolkit offers tips and activities to get children ages six-to-nine active outdoors through a blend of physical activity and outdoor science learning. (PBS Kids)
Case Studies

Additional promotional materials and resources can be found in the Park Prescription Program Toolkit.