Campus Park Rx and GWA Park Rx
Based in: The Greater Williamsburg Area, Virginia
Participating Agency: The College of William & Mary
Unique Features: A Park Map Database, ParkRx Intake Form
Website: www.campusparkrx.com
Contact: www.gwaparkrx.com/get-in-touch.html
Campus Park Rx at the College of William & Mary is a project of the Parks Research Lab (PRL) under human-environment geographer, Dr. Dorothy Ibes. Trained "Peer Park Ambassadors" (PPAs) counsel fellow students on the best outdoors spaces for their interests, needs, transportation options, and schedule. PPAs then provide students a Park Prescription Referral Card suggesting a suitable, nearby green space for them to visit each week. This approach bypasses the need to see a healthcare professional to obtain a Park Prescription, which extends the reach of the initiative.
A second, complementary program developed by PRL, Greater Williamsburg Area Park Rx, gives professional healthcare providers ("Park Ambassadors") the training and tools to prescribe time outdoors in area parks to their patients. Together, these efforts contribute to an international movement to get people outside in local public spaces to promote mental and physical health, while facilitating environmental connectedness and stewardship.